Author | Comment |
pd Rydia  Lazy Webmistress Posts: 4417 (1/4/03 6:31 pm) Reply | Edit | Del All
 | random RPGWW-related picture thread First, we have Hamtaro, complete with rapier and piratical gaudy necklace:

Next, we have a gathering of RPGWWers (plus one brother, plus one sister, minus one Dia)

Um, yeah... Barge: *raises his sword* Game... *twirls it* Set... *smirk*
Big Fat Chocobo: *a big fat chocobo falls on the demon Barge* ^)-(^
Rydia: ...and...squish?
Hakaril: .......Dia? Did YOU do that?
Rydia: *stares* o_O ...I think so.
Hakaril: ...that's great!
Richard: O.O WOAH. Remind me NEVER to get YOU mad, Dia. O.O;;;;
Idran: So remember everyone. Crushing works good on demons.Edited by: pd Rydia at: 11/22/04 4:20 pm
Uncle Pervy  Pacifist Angel Wearing a
Candy Cane Posts: 2227 (1/4/03 6:01 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: random RPGWW-related picture thread And I'm in both them! ^^
The young'n in the second pic tis me little sister. |
BrainWalker  Posts: 967 (1/5/03 11:17 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: random RPGWW-related picture thread Yea, that's me with my big, scary beard.
It got shaved shortly after that pic was taken, though
Excessive facial hair and tropical weather don't mix. |
Jak Snide  Bloody Evil GM Posts: 2853 (1/6/03 9:48 am) Reply | Edit | Del
 | RAWR! Post more pics, so I can be envious that I wasn't there, damnit! |
Squintz Altec  Justice's Pimp Posts: 1167 (1/6/03 4:47 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: RAWR! I'll oblige.

This is a group picture from when I went down to OH/KY (ry-oh-ky! ^_^)
Okay, Back Row: Ken, Sean, Joe, Me, Priam(Adam #2).
Middle: Brian
Front: Amanda (who is admittedly cut out a bit), and Dia.
And a fun fact: 5/8 of the group wore glasses in that picture.
 People, the edit button is your friend. Use it. Edited by: pd Rydia at: 11/22/04 4:22 pm
pd Rydia  Lazy Webmistress Posts: 4448 (1/6/03 8:09 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: RAWR! Actually, that's 6/8 (or, alternately, 3/4).
Amanda also wears contacts. :P So if we're counting corrective lenses, it's at least 7/8. Dunno about Ken. Barge: *raises his sword* Game... *twirls it* Set... *smirk*
Big Fat Chocobo: *a big fat chocobo falls on the demon Barge* ^)-(^
Rydia: ...and...squish?
Hakaril: .......Dia? Did YOU do that?
Rydia: *stares* o_O ...I think so.
Hakaril: ...that's great!
Richard: O.O WOAH. Remind me NEVER to get YOU mad, Dia. O.O;;;;
Idran: So remember everyone. Crushing works good on demons. |
SuperRube Sarcastic Smartass Posts: 1909 (1/6/03 8:18 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | argh STOP LIVING SO CLOSE TOGETHER.
...and move to the Westminster area so I can hit you.
*grumble*..stupid Otakon.. I'd better be able to afford it this year.. *mumble* |
BrainWalker  Posts: 987 (1/6/03 9:51 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: argh And for once, I had no presence at that gathering.
... also, that pic needs some serious gamma correction |
PriamNevhausten The Z machine Posts: 609 (1/7/03 1:54 am) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: argh Rube, if you show up to Otakon, I will PAY for you to be there.
Because I'm a nice guy and all.
Not because I want to stab you or anything. "Some say there is no subtlety to destruction. You know what? They're DEAD."
--Jaya Ballard, Task Mage |
Crawling Reshiki  Jumping Teddy Bear Posts: 2773 (1/7/03 5:02 am) Reply | Edit | Del
All of the other pics contain far too much darkness :{ And should be subsidized.
Son Gohan wants you to visit the DB(Z) Manga Shrine! |
PriamNevhausten The Z machine Posts: 610 (1/7/03 10:15 am) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: argh *bakes end at 350 until he is golden-brown* "Some say there is no subtlety to destruction. You know what? They're DEAD."
--Jaya Ballard, Task Mage |
BrainWalker  Posts: 991 (1/7/03 11:35 am) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: argh We should start up some kind of Otakon Collection Fund or something for peoples who absolutely cannot afford to come.
Also, we should send some big burly guys to threaten to bust LDC's kneecaps if she doens't get those pics of hers up and online.
... it's arguable that the first suggetion is more important |
Crawling Reshiki  Jumping Teddy Bear Posts: 2779 (1/7/03 1:49 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: argh Seriously, those pics are dark on my monitor :{ Don't know why..
Son Gohan wants you to visit the DB(Z) Manga Shrine! |
pd Rydia  Lazy Webmistress Posts: 4452 (1/7/03 3:08 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: random RPGWW-related picture thread Sounds like a good idea, Brian. I'd be willing to help pay for people, if I had the money. ={{{ Barge: *raises his sword* Game... *twirls it* Set... *smirk*
Big Fat Chocobo: *a big fat chocobo falls on the demon Barge* ^)-(^
Rydia: ...and...squish?
Hakaril: .......Dia? Did YOU do that?
Rydia: *stares* o_O ...I think so.
Hakaril: ...that's great!
Richard: O.O WOAH. Remind me NEVER to get YOU mad, Dia. O.O;;;;
Idran: So remember everyone. Crushing works good on demons. |
PriamNevhausten The Z machine Posts: 616 (1/7/03 7:58 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: random RPGWW-related picture thread I'm willing to help people pay, and it looks like I can save about...*calculates* a little under $250 per month and still live comfortably. "Some say there is no subtlety to destruction. You know what? They're DEAD."
--Jaya Ballard, Task Mage |
SuperRube Sarcastic Smartass Posts: 1913 (1/8/03 3:06 am) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: random RPGWW-related picture thread Sweet. Maybe me and Nikki will beable to make that months rent after all.
...actaully, I'm just playin'. I'll be able to afford it.
You see... gate crashing is easier then you might think.
"This is Bank Robber Joe. He robs banks because his mother never loved him." |
Banjooie  Paranoid Geezer Posts: 769 (1/8/03 2:32 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Y'know what? ...When I'm 18, I'm driving to Ohio. o.o I'll find a way. Hell, I have NO intention of going to college until I'm at least 21.
And I'm quite sure the site'll stay together two more years. |
pd Rydia  Lazy Webmistress Posts: 4497 (1/8/03 2:41 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Y'know what? I'll be...22 or 23 by then. o_o Cool. I can get you drunk! :D
Anyway, lightening stuffs:
Barge: *raises his sword* Game... *twirls it* Set... *smirk*
Big Fat Chocobo: *a big fat chocobo falls on the demon Barge* ^)-(^
Rydia: ...and...squish?
Hakaril: .......Dia? Did YOU do that?
Rydia: *stares* o_O ...I think so.
Hakaril: ...that's great!
Richard: O.O WOAH. Remind me NEVER to get YOU mad, Dia. O.O;;;;
Idran: So remember everyone. Crushing works good on demons. |
bunnygirle78  Posts: 807 (1/11/03 6:35 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Y'know what? You guys look like a fun group. Are you all in college together or do you just live near eachother?
Btw. Dia is prety. Sometimes when I se squirls I feel the urge to kill. . .is that wrong? |
pd Rydia  Lazy Webmistress Posts: 4639 (1/11/03 6:41 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Y'know what? Well...
Pervy, Brian (Archmage), Brian (BrainWalker), and Priam all live within a few miles of each other.
Amanda and I are about 60 miles south of them. It takes BW a little over an hour to drive down to see either of us.
Sean is about 30 miles south of them, on the way down (or up, as the case may be).
Priam lives about 40 miles out in a triangle from the rest of us.
Adam and Ken flew in for the meeting. ^_^ -=- "Got Dragonale?" -- Richard Storm (Nakibe)
-=- "Bah, my past was full of drinking and polymorph spells." -- Hakaril (Archmage144)
-=- "I REJECT YOUR PRESENCE!" -- CaptainPervy (UnclePervy)
-=- "What. In. The. @#%. Are. You. Two. Doing?" -- Hzar (Banjooie) |
bunnygirle78  Posts: 811 (1/11/03 10:08 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Y'know what? wow, Just to let you know that you guys do a great job on the website. Sometimes when I se squirls I feel the urge to kill. . .is that wrong? |
pd Rydia  Lazy Webmistress Posts: 4647 (1/11/03 10:41 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Y'know what? Thanks. ^_^ Brian, Adam, and I put a lot of good hard work into it. OtherBrian's and Amanda's done a lot to help, too. -=- "Got Dragonale?" -- Richard Storm (Nakibe)
-=- "Bah, my past was full of drinking and polymorph spells." -- Hakaril (Archmage144)
-=- "I REJECT YOUR PRESENCE!" -- CaptainPervy (UnclePervy)
-=- "What. In. The. @#%. Are. You. Two. Doing?" -- Hzar (Banjooie) |
ArgusDevilmen  Sprite Cosplayer Posts: 868 (1/14/03 8:13 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Y'know what? I feel left out again <_< Ah well, I will have to submit to pictures at Otakon.
Archmage144  The Oldskool Bastard Posts: 1769 (1/20/03 6:36 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Y'know what? Finally got a chance to scan these, as Kate was here this weekend and dropped them off with me...

Me, wearing a red mage's hat we found at the Renfaire.

Sean looks damned creepy in this shot.

It's everyone's favorite webmistress and lover of fluffiness~!

The infamous "50% more cheese" sign, as well as some of us eating at a local Skyline chili. Unfortunately, this one came out a bit a few of the others, sadly...

The equally infamous "corn sign" in yet another shot with Pervy, just before getting into Brian's car.

I don't remember what song they were doing--I do remember that it was fucking hard.

Brian's on stage at the renfaire!

And a random Tsukara cosplayer (.hack//Sign) from Sugoicon. --------
The Archmage: Sadistic GM or handsome bishounen? You decide!
RPGWW! Beware of GM!
"I disapprove of what you say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it." ~Voltaire
"Surrender, or die in obscurity!" ~Ramza, FF Tactics
Creative dining
Chopsticks are for eating rice
Not for poking eyes
~WhiteKnight Edited by: pd Rydia at: 11/22/04 4:23 pm
pd Rydia  False Neko Posts: 5015 (1/20/03 5:54 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Y'know what? Woot! Piccies!
n_n Piccies make Dia very happy, jes. -=- "Got Dragonale?" -- Richard Storm (Nakibe)
-=- "Bah, my past was full of drinking and polymorph spells." -- Hakaril (Archmage144)
-=- "I REJECT YOUR PRESENCE!" -- CaptainPervy (UnclePervy)
-=- "What. In. The. @#%. Are. You. Two. Doing?" -- Hzar (Banjooie) |
BrainWalker  Posts: 1086 (1/20/03 11:26 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Yes, that's me. Just in case you were wondering...

Yea. Kate needs a zoom lens or something. |
ChristianC  Kuri Kuri Wai Posts: 2757 (1/21/03 9:19 am) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Yes, that's me. I also feel left out... Perhaps me and hjko should take some photos...
Spingling die fluur, spingle die fluur! Bumbe dumbe dum! |
LadyDragonClawsEDW  Brianoku's Lovely Wife Katkat Posts: 1215 (1/21/03 11:21 am) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Yes, that's me. BAH! Disposable cameras don't have zoom lenses!
One hat to rule them all. |
Ganonfro Posts: 22 (1/21/03 12:44 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Yes, that's me. *Curses his living about 5 hours away from places where he can go to niffty Renn faire's and anime cons.....*
Living in New York sucks..... But it doesn't suck as much as living in the middle of nowhere in New York... |
pd Rydia  False Neko Posts: 5065 (1/21/03 1:30 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Yes, that's me. Hey, we got other posters in New York and nearby New York (I'm in another state from Brian et al, doesn't stop me from getting together with them). All you lazy butts have to do is ORGANIZE a get-together. :P -=- "Got Dragonale?" -- Richard Storm (Nakibe)
-=- "Bah, my past was full of drinking and polymorph spells." -- Hakaril (Archmage144)
-=- "I REJECT YOUR PRESENCE!" -- CaptainPervy (UnclePervy)
-=- "What. In. The. @#%. Are. You. Two. Doing?" -- Hzar (Banjooie) |
SpleenInfinity13  Bounty Hunter Yaoi Porn Star Posts: 718 (1/21/03 1:47 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Yes, that's me. Damn my thirteen-year-old-ness. Hey, maybe in five years we can all hang out! Who knows, I might be NORMAL by then! _____________
"O_o Come to think of it... I'm not thinking now. Hwehehehehe! Hahahahahaha! Goodbye brain, hello endless space in which my skull is a part of!"
-ZuljinVernand |
Ganonfro Posts: 27 (1/21/03 2:36 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Yes, that's me. But New York is too large to get a gettogether together!... *Scratches his head looking at that last sentence*
Um, right... The whole snow thing is also a problem right now, seeing how I just got like... 3 feet of snow over the weekend, makes it evil.... and stuff...>.> Makes what evil though, I'm not quite sure... |
pd Rydia  False Neko Posts: 5076 (1/21/03 2:43 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Yes, that's me. Oh, BS, NY is no larger than Ohio. And I don't even live in Ohio, yet I traverse across it to get to the others.
And we had 6 inches of snow. :P -=- "Got Dragonale?" -- Richard Storm (Nakibe)
-=- "Bah, my past was full of drinking and polymorph spells." -- Hakaril (Archmage144)
-=- "I REJECT YOUR PRESENCE!" -- CaptainPervy (UnclePervy)
-=- "What. In. The. @#%. Are. You. Two. Doing?" -- Hzar (Banjooie)Edited by: pd Rydia at: 11/22/04 4:24 pm
PriamNevhausten The Z machine Posts: 802 (1/21/03 4:30 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Yes, that's me. Uphill, both ways. Carrying our siblings on our backs. And we liked it!! "Some say there is no subtlety to destruction. You know what? They're DEAD."
--Jaya Ballard, Task Mage
"Dear Lord God Jesus Motherfucking Christ, help me get through the day without shoving things up my anus and posting them on the internet." --Goatse 1:11 |
pd Rydia  False Neko Posts: 5083 (1/21/03 4:57 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Yes, that's me. HELL yeah! -=- "Got Dragonale?" -- Richard Storm (Nakibe)
-=- "Bah, my past was full of drinking and polymorph spells." -- Hakaril (Archmage144)
-=- "I REJECT YOUR PRESENCE!" -- CaptainPervy (UnclePervy)
-=- "What. In. The. @#%. Are. You. Two. Doing?" -- Hzar (Banjooie) |
Shiranai  Non-practicing Homicidal Maniac Posts: 328 (1/29/03 9:12 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Yes, that's me. I take pride in the fact that I act and look just as scary wicked sexy cool as my character. So Shiranai has white hair. I'm working on that. Also, I'm curious how the pic turned out where Brian (BW) and I were swinging our swords at each other at the same time. Warning: By using the content of this post for evil purposes, you forfeit half of the blood in your body to me. I decide which half. |
pd Rydia  Dia, Innkeep of Justice Posts: 9505 (4/28/04 11:20 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Yes, that's me. Belatedly:

There's your gamma correction. Or something to that effect. Dragonhalf in English: a manga
It's big, and it's red /
The red dragon, oh, the dread dragon /
but never fear, for Dick is here /
To slay the dragon~! |
pd Rydia  Keeper of the Corn Posts: 10064 (12/1/04 9:24 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
Brian and Hobbes. :D

Brian the communist!

Sean the Stampede, oh my!

Priam and Ken. "We are just poor, wandering corn farmers..."
